Welcome to the EPAN Research Group at UTBM homepage! We are a group of graduate students, engineers, and researchers who specialise in Environment Perception and Autonomous Navigation, with special attention to self-driving cars and mobile robots in complex and dynamic environments.
Leveraging techniques from multimodal fusion, computer vision, machine learning, realistic simulation, and software engineering, our group is actively pursuing research in scene understanding, object detection and tracking, precise localization, human-aware navigation, and long-term autonomy.
We are continuously involved in various collaborative research projects with other academic and industry partners, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020), the French National Research Agency (ANR), the State-Region (CPER), among others.
Our joint facilities include dedicated robotic research laboratories, an experimental arena, and a fleet of diverse self-driving cars and mobile robots.
Please take a look at our research papers, watch a few videos of our self-driving cars and mobile robots in action, and peruse some media coverage about our work and our group.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments!